

About me

I am Sylvester Eriksson-Bique, an Assistant Professor and Finnish Academy Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Jyväskylä. My research is on Analysis on Metric spaces, with particular emphasis on Uniformization, Carpets, Differentiation theory, Sobolev spaces and Poincaré inequalities.

I completed my Ph.D. in 2017 at Courant Institute and my adviser was Bruce Kleiner. After this I had an NSF funded postdoctoral position at University of California, Los Angeles with Mario Bonk 2017-2020. Briefly, in the Fall 2020 I was a Finnish Academy funded Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Jyväskylä, and in 2021-2022 an Assistant Professor at University of Oulu.

This is also the page of my research group, the Finnish Quasiworld Network. We are building a group with expertise in geometric and quantitative methods in analysis and with knowledge of optimization and connections with applications. Our goal is to be at the forefront of research, and at the same time establish networks within our community and beyond. We are currently funded by the Finnish Academy and Jenny and Arttu Wihuri Foundations.


I am co-organizing a “Quasiworld Workshop” on August 14th-18th 2023.

Currently, I host jointly with Mario Bonk, Annina Iseli and Mikhail Hlushchanka the Quasiworld seminar. For more details, and to subscribe to the list, see our website.

Together with Riikka Korte, Tuomo Kuusi, Tuomas Orponen and Ville Suomala we are organizing a workshop “AGENT-Forum” for young researchers in Analysis and Geometry in Finland. The event is planned in person, in October 2021. For more information, see the http://math.aalto.fi/conferences/agent2021/

In Spring of 2019, Alex Austin and I hosted an AMS Special Session, whose site is here: https://sylvestereriksson.wordpress.com/ams-analysis-geometry/.


Olen Sylvester Eriksson-Bique, nuorempi apulaisprofessori ja Suomen Akatemian tutkijatohtori Jyväskylän yliopiston Matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitoksella. Tutkimukseni liittyy analyysiin metrisillä avaruuksilla ja sen perusteisiin, kuten uniformisaatioon, differentioituvuus teoriaan, Sobolev avaruuksiin ja Poincaré epäyhtälöihin.

Tein väitöskirjani vuonna 2017 Courant Instituutissa ja ohjaajani oli Bruce Kleiner. Sen jälkeen olin National Science Foundationin rahoittama tutkijatohtori University of California, Los Angelesissä Mario Bonkin kanssa vuosina 2017-2020. Vietin ensin lyhyen stintin tutkijatohtorina Jyväskylän yliopistossa syksyllä 2020, jonka jälkeen olin 2021-2022 Oulun Yliopistossa nuorempi apulaisprofessori. Palasin Jyväskylään syksyllä 2022 apulaisprofessorina.